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Homework 1

A brief overview of the assignment

  • initialize github repo
  • create a simple report for the homework
  • peer review of a classmates homework

In this assignment you will initialize a github repo in the coure github organisation where you will put all future assignments and projects in and you will create your first project and push it to github (uploading in github terms). All future homework will be reported in Markdown, which is a simple markup language. It will make it easy for you to write and present work on github since github has a builtin Markdown parser.

If you are stuck, GOOGLE it! There is plenty of information on the web.


Connecting to the Github repository

  1. Create a github repository on the course github organisation, and name it your githubusername. Create a new subdirectory in your github repository called HW1.

  2. Create a markdown document called containing

  • A brief description of your previous experience with Data Science.
  • A plot, using for instance pyplot(Python) or ggplot. The data-set should be found on the web (i.e. not one that is preloaded in some package) and you should document any steps taken in retrieving the data. Google something you like and add “free dataset”, “data” or perhaps download something fun from!
  1. Now, Commit and Push it to your github repository. You can find information here about how to do that if you need a reminder.

  2. Edit your in your repository root to contain a link to for easy access to the homework.

  3. When you are happy with the result, possibly after repeated uses of Commit and Push, open an issue in your Homework repository (see image below where to find issues) stating “HW1 ready for grading!”.

Peer Review

After deadline has passed, you will be given access to another students repository on GitHub. You should provide summary feedback by responding to the “HW1 ready for grading!” issue. Copy the following checklist and use it in your review:

  • Is the homework complete, e.g. are all steps in the homework done?
  • Is there a working link from the main repository to
  • Do figures show up on as expected?